Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Babies of the Department

The Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology (BMB) Society had it's year end function where a group of 4 students from each year joined together with a single postdoc for a general knowledge quiz. Lara, Claire, Lance and myself teamed uo with our micro lecturer, Dr Knox, and dressed up as the "babies of the department" to add a bit of spice to the evening. Us girls tried to go for the bobby socks look, while Lance adorned himself with a homemade nappy and joining us with the ping tails. The evening involved the general knowledge in the first round (where we got knocked out), a pictionary round, an eating round and lastly a lab prac round where the entire team had to load an electrophoresis gel. Unfortunately we came last along with the Phd team, while it was the honours team that won (winning a trophy and all?!) I guess we look like nerds cause it is only people within our department who would actually think such a night would be fun and even appreciate our humour, but this is the thought that spurred us on in fact!

1 comment:

iAmTheWalrus said...

hahahaha so this is where you hid those photos hahaha why they not up on fb?